We represent people from all over the state of California, providing experienced advocacy in personal injury claims, family law or divorce cases, employment law violations, and a wide variety of other complex issues.

We represent people from all over the state of California, providing experienced advocacy in personal injury claims, family law or divorce cases, employment law violations, and a wide variety of other complex issues.
We represent victims of cases such as auto accidents, job site injuries, dog bites, motorcycle collisions, pedestrian accidents, brain and spinal cord injuries, and much more. In addition, we handle complicated litigation such as injuries sustained in premises liability or product liability cases. Even when facing big corporations or powerful government entities, we have the preparation and skills necessary to stand by you every step of the way. We have fought Fortune 100 companies- and won. We can put that same level of passion and work ethic into play for you.
Every year, thousands of Americans are hurt by defective products. Our firm has recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients in a variety of personal injury and wrongful death cases. The law holds corporations responsible for defective products. Whether the item was badly designed, did not include adequate instructions or warnings, or was faultily constructed, you are entitled to compensation if a product caused your injury or even death to someone in your family.
As an employee or even a potential employee, you have certain protected rights. When those rights are violated, you should not hesitate to retain an employment law attorney from our office who can help you turn a bad situation around and obtain renewed hope and optimism. If your employer or potential employer broke a California labor law, you have the right to pursue justice. Examples of California employment law violations include: Breach of contract, civil rights violations, denied meal / rest breaks, disability discrimination, employer retaliation, family leave discrimination, fraud, invasion of privacy, misrepresentation, race and/or sex discrimination, harassment, unpaid wages, commissions, or overtime pay, workplace discrimination, wrongful termination.
We have the skill and legal knowledge to effectively represent individual homeowners as well as companies dealing with complicated and multifaceted commercial property disputes. We can help you address breaches of contracts and leases, as well as breaches of fiduciary duty. In addition, we can assist with: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) violations, boundary line disputes, broker commission disagreements, claims of fraud and / or misrepresentation, commercial lease disagreements, construction disputes, disputes between landlords and tenants, failure to disclose existing circumstances on commercial property, inspection failure, insurance issues, lien rights enforcement, partnership disagreements, tax assessments, transaction disputes.
A serious car accident can turn your life upside down and impact the things and people dearest to you. If you were involved in a collision caused by another driver's negligence or misconduct, you should not hesitate to fight for the financial compensation you deserve. While no amount of money can erase the pain you have experienced, you deserve the financial means to get your life back in order in the wake of a tragic accident.
Property owners are legally responsible for maintaining their real estate in such a way that it does not pose an undue or unreasonable threat to the well-being and safety of others. The laws regarding premises liability differ by state, but in California, a landowner can be sued in civil court for injuries that took place on his or her property. If you were injured because of unsafe conditions on someone else's land, you may be entitled to compensatory damages. Examples of dangerous conditions include but are not limited to the following: insufficient security, wet and / or slippery floor, dog bites or animal attacks, asbestos, roof cave-ins, fire, broken glass, rotten or unsafe stairs.
Many different violations fall under the category of civil rights infringements. For example, abuse of power - including police brutality, jail neglect, prison abuse, and illegal detention - can be grounds for a civil rights case. Discrimination by a current employer or a potential employer based on race, gender, age, religion, disability or a similar protected characteristic also constitute civil rights violations. Your employer can violate your civil rights in other ways as well - such as by infringing on your right to privacy and your right to work free of harassment.
If you face a complex business law dispute, do not hesitate to contact our Los Angeles and Bay Area lawyers. Some of the cases we are prepared to help you with include but are not limited to the following: Business disruption claims, construction disputes, eminent domain, entertainment industry disputes, fraud, investor issues, licensing disputes, misrepresentation, partnership disputes, predatory lending, shareholder issues, unfair competition practices.
Animal law is a fairly new legal field that deals with the rights and welfare of animals. This umbrella term can include a broad variety of cases and situations. At Konell Ruggiero, we are proud to stand with our clients in the fight for animal rights. We work with people who love animals in order to preserve the well-being of companion animals, wildlife, and so-called utility animals alike. We can serve as your animal's best advocate in cases including but not limited to, “Vicious dog" defense, estates and trusts that include animal beneficiaries, veterinary medical malpractice, product liability litigation in which animal well-being is compromised by the manufacturing company, animal cruelty cases, pet theft, landlord disputes concerning animals on rented property, animal custody disputes and nuisance disputes.